Research Sources on the Benefits of Good Sleep

Here are some research sources from healthcare institutions, experts and researchers on the benefits of quality and sufficient sleep (and the problems associated with poor or too little sleep):

[1] - NHS (National Health Service), "Sleep Problems", URL:, accessed 20th July 2023

[2] - NIH News in Health, National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2021, "Good Sleep for Good Health", URL:, accessed 20th July 2023

[3] - Mental Health Foundation, "Sleep Matters: The Impact Of Sleep On Health And Wellbeing",, accessed 20th July 2023

[4] - Alhola P, Polo-Kantola P., 2007, Sleep deprivation: Impact on cognitive performance,

[5] - Cooper CB, Neufeld EV, Dolezal BA, Martin JL., 2018, Sleep deprivation and obesity in adults: a brief narrative review, BMJ Open Sport Exerc Med.,

[6] - Chen Y, Cui Y, Chen S, Wu Z., 2017, Relationship between sleep and muscle strength among Chinese university students: a cross-sectional study., Journal of musculoskeletal & neuronal interactions,

[7] - Robson D,, 2021, "The Importance of Sleep", URL:, accessed 20th July 2023

[8] - Troxel, WM, Robles, TF, Hall, M, Buysse, DJ, 2007, Marital quality and the marital bed: examining the covariation between relationship quality and sleep. Sleep medicine reviews, 11(5), 389–404.,